10 tips for the entrepreneurial attorney
Are you the independent type? Here are our 10 best tips for the entrepreneurial attorney who wants to start a practice for the first time.
Are you the independent type? Here are our 10 best tips for the entrepreneurial attorney who wants to start a practice for the first time.
Attorneys and other legal professionals build a long list of skills that transfer well to lots of other careers. Some even go on to earn fame and notoriety. Here are some interesting examples.
How can your firm recognize and celebrate the diverse experiences that make up your team? Here are some strategies for awareness, collaboration, and celebration.
At some point, your client will ask you about legal insurance to help pay their fees. Here’s what you should say.
Dreading the holidays and the wave of requests for legal advice that will come, too? Here are some excuses and resources to share instead.
Are you thoroughly examining all elements of each claim at issue in your lawsuit? Be prepared for every stage of the case from the beginning.
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