10 ways eFiling with InfoTrack is nothing like your average Florida e-Portal experience
How does InfoTrack measure up against the Florida e-Portal? When it comes to Florida eFiling, there’s no comparison. Here are the 10 biggest differences.
How does InfoTrack measure up against the Florida e-Portal? When it comes to Florida eFiling, there’s no comparison. Here are the 10 biggest differences.
Love them or hate them, virtual courtrooms seem to be here to stay. But are they good for the justice system? Here’s what people are saying.
Want to eFile in less than a minute every time? InfoTrack can automatically fill out most of your filing information for you. Here’s how to set up for success.
These simple, but powerful habits will help you stand out in all the right ways. Give your legal support career a boost with these tips.
As your law firm grows and your career evolves with it, the need for leadership skills becomes more apparent. Explore some of those necessary skills here.
Are you guilty of any of these old-school habits that hurt your image with legal clients? Here’s what to avoid, plus some tips on how to build a more tech-forward law firm.
Once dismissed as a “soft” skill, we now recognize that emotional intelligence is foundational for successful litigation. Here’s how to build your EI as a litigator.
As important as it is to take care of yourself, letting your legal work slide is a recipe for more stress. Here’s how to balance self care with your busy legal career.
Your clients don’t know or care what kind of software you use, but your technology choices have a big impact on the client experience. Here’s how your back-office tools have a direct impact on your clients’ satisfaction.
Whether your firm is ready to embrace AI fully or you want to be cautious about adopting controversial tools, creating an AI policy for your law firm will keep everyone on the same page.
A law firm tech audit can tell you what tools are a waste of money, what you’re missing, and where you’re missing out. Here’s how to do one.
You’ve been on social media for decades, now. Is it time to clean up your digital image? Here’s how to do a social media audit for legal professionals.
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