When searching Cook County cases to file into an existing case, you must follow the specific case number format provided by the eFileIL system. You will not be able to find cases using old formats. The format rules listed below is applicable to all eFiling Service Providers (EFSP).
In General…
1. Remove all spaces and dashes from case numbers
2. Always use a 4 digit year (YYYY)
3. Any letters must be CAPITALIZED
4. Use leading zeros for case numbers
Specific formatting and examples for Cook County divisions
Chancery Division
Format: YYYYCH12345
For Chancery Division case numbers, you must use the 4 digit year, capitalize CH for division code, and case numbers are 5 digits long.

Civil Division
Format: YYYY1123456
For the Civil or municipal division, you must use the 4 digit year, exclude the “M” and use only the district number, and case numbers are 6 digits long.

County Division
Format: YYYYCOTD123456
For the County Division, you must use the 4 digit year, capitalize the division code, and case numbers are 6 digits long.

Domestic Relations Division
Format: YYYYD123456
For the Domestic Relations Division, you must use the 4 digit year, capitalize “D” for division code, and case numbers are 6 digits long.

Law Division
Format: YYYYL123456
For the Law Division, you must use the 4 digit year, capitalize “L” for division code, and case numbers are 6 digits long.

Probate Division
Format: YYYYP123456
For the Probate Division, you must use the 4 digit year, capitalize “P” for division code, and case numbers are 6 digits long.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at (844) 340-3096 or email us at helpdesk@infotrack.com.
Lindsey Dean leads strategic marketing and growth at InfoTrack, where she is focused on exploring and sharing concepts and ideas in accessible and nuanced ways. She has been a writer and researcher in the legal profession for more than 6 years and has authored reports and articles on eFiling, service of process, trends in the legal support field, and more.
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